
// For truly it is written: "The wise man extends GameBase for his purposes,
// while the fool has the ability to eject shell casings from the belly of his
// dragon." -- KillerBunny
(T3D/gameBase/gameBase.h L139-L141)

virtual Var* getVertTexCoord( const String &name ) { AssertFatal( false, "don't use this." ); return NULL; } (shaderGen/conditionerFeature.h L63)

SFXVoice* SFXNullDevice::createVoice( bool is3D, SFXBuffer *buffer )
   // Don't bother going any further if we've
   // exceeded the maximum voices.
   if ( mVoices.size() >= mMaxBuffers )
      return NULL;
(sfx/null/sfxNullDevice.cpp L50-L55)

bool GuiArrayCtrl::onKeyDown(const GuiEvent &event)
   //if this control is a dead end, kill the event
   if ((! mVisible) || (! mActive) || (! mAwake)) return true;
(gui/core/guiArrayCtrl.cpp L473)